Radio 75, side B, track 2: “Kokomo” by The Beach Boys

Kokomo - Beach BoysOh, The Beach Boys, et tu?  This year has already turned into an anxiety-fest, and the last 24 hours have been real not good.  So when this song came up on my track list, I was looking forward to kicking back in Kokomo for a few minutes.  I recorded the hell out of this one as a kid for a reason, The Beach Boys.  Before I discovered alcohol and pharmaceuticals, this was how I self-medicated.  With a little bit of Kokomo.  But then right before that awesome saxophone solo, there’s some weird break in the song.  I’m sure it was my fault, The Beach Boys, maybe I bumped the boombox or something, but come on, guys!  If I can’t count on The Beach Boys, what kind of world are we living in?!!?!

lyrics to “Kokomo”

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I totally have an opinion on this!